Canada best G20 country to be a woman, India worst –

ஜி 20 நாடுகளில் பெண்கள் வாழ தகுதியான நாடுகளின்   பட்டியலில் கனடா முதலிடத்தை பிடித்துள்ளது.பெண்களின் வன்முறைக்கு எதிரான நடவடிக்கைகள், நீதியான முறைகள்ஈ பெண்களின் சுகாதாரத்தைப் பேணும் திட்டங்கள் சிறப்பாக இருப்பதாக கூறப்படுகிறது.
கனடாவைத் தொடர்ந்து ஜேர்மனி, பிரிட்டன், அவுஸ்திரேலியா, பிரான்ஸ் ஆகியன முதல் 5 இடங்களைப் பிடித்துள்ளன.
பெண்கள் மற்றும் குழந்தைகளை பாலியல் தொழிலுக்காக விற்றல், குழந்தை திருமணம், வரதட்சணை கொடுமை, வீட்டுப் பணிப்பெண்கள் பாலியல் கொடுமைக்கு உள்ளாவது போன்ற காரணங்களால் பெண்கள் வாழ தகுதியான நாடுகளின் பட்டியலில் இந்தியாவுக்கு கடைசி இடம் கிடைத்துள்ளது.
சவுதி அரேபியா, இந்தோனேசியா, தென்னாப்ரிக்கா, மெக்சிகோ ஆகிய நாடுகள் இந்தியாவுக்கு முன்னராக தமது இருப்பை தக்கவைத்துக் கொண்டுள்ளன.

LONDON, June 13 (TrustLaw) – Policies that promote gender equality, safeguards against violence and exploitation and access to healthcare make Canada the best place to be a woman among the world’s biggest economies, a global poll of experts showed on Wednesday.

Infanticide, child marriage and slavery make India the worst, the same poll concluded.

Germany, Britain, Australia and France rounded out the top five countries out of the Group of 20 in a perceptions poll of 370 gender specialists conducted by TrustLaw, a legal news service run by Thomson ReuteThe United States came in sixth but polarised opinion due to concerns about reproducAt the other end of the scale, Saudi Arabia – where women are well educated but are banned from driving and only won the right to vote in 2011 – polled second-worst after India, followed by Indonesia, South Africa and Mexicotive rights and affordable Foundation

 “India is incredibly poor, Saudi Arabia is very rich. But there is a commonality and that is that unless you have some special access to privilege, you have a very different future, depending on whether you have an extra X chromosome, or a Y chromosome,” said Nicholas Kristof, journalist and co-author of “Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide”, commenting on the poll results

“In India, women and girls continue to be sold as chattels, married off as young as 10, burned alive as a result of dowry-related disputes and young girls exploited and abused as domestic slave labour,” said Gulshun Rehman, health programme development adviser at Save the Children UK, who was one of those polled


“This is despite a groundbreakingly progressive Domestic Violence Act enacted in 2005 outlawing all forms of violence against women and girls.”

TrustLaw asked aid professionals, academics, health workers, policymakers, journalists and development specialists with expertise in gender issues to rank the 19 countries of the G20 in terms of the overall best and worst to be a woman.

They also ranked countries in six categories: quality of health, freedom from violence, participation in politics, work place opportunities, access to resources such as education and property rights and freedom from trafficking and slavery.

Respondents came from 63 countries on five continents and included experts from United Nations Women, the International Rescue Committee, Plan International, Amnesty USA and Oxfam International, as well as prominent academic institutions and campaigning organisations. Representatives of faith-based organisations were also surveyed

The EU, which is a member of the G20 as an economic grouping along with several of its constituent countries, was not included in the survey

Canada was perceived to be getting most things right in protecting women’s wellbeing and basic freedoms

While we have much more to do, women have access to healthcare, we place a premium on education, which is the first step toward economic independence and we have laws that protect girls and women and don’t allow for child marriage,” said Farah Mohamed, president and CEO of the Canada-based G(irls) 20 Summit, which organised a youth gathering that took place in Mexico in May, ahead of the G20 leaders’ meeting

Experts were divided on the situation in the United States

Civil rights and domestic violence laws, access to education, workplace opportunities and freedom of movement and speech were positive. But access to contraception and abortion were being curtailed and women suffered disproportionately from a lack of access to affordable healthcare, some experts said

Many of the gains of the last 100 years are under attack and the most overt and vicious attack is on reproductive rights,” said Marsha Freeman, director of International Women’s Rights Action Watch.

1. Canada
2. Germany
3. Britain
4. Australia
5. France
6. United States
7. Japan
8. Italy
9. Argentina
10. South Korea
11. Brazil
12. Turkey
13. Russia
14. China
15. Mexico
16. South Africa
17. Indonesia
18. Saudi Arabia
19. India

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